

For Muslims there are two types of pilgrimages:
– the small pilgrimage Umrah and
– the great Hajj pilgrimage,

Both are done in Mecca in Saudi Arabia but there are some important differences, one of which is that Umrah can be done at any time of the year and lasts several hours, while Hajj can only be fulfilled in the twelfth month, called the month of the Pilgrims, of the Islamic calendar, starting on day 8 and lasting 6 days.

In this episode, I will introduce you to the small Umrah pilgrimage, and in the next episode, I will share with you the experience of making the great Hajj pilgrimage.

* This is my personal experience and some information about the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, using unique images, you can see how to make Umrah step by step, easy to understand for everyone.

We started from Romania together with the group of pilgrims led by the guide of the group Osman Dilaver, who informed us from the airport to be very patient. The route is Bucharest Istanbul Jeddah, with a special race for Hajj.

From a moment when the plane enters the Al Haram area (all kinds of sins are stopped), everyone starts to catch a cold in Talbiyah,
“I answer your call, O Allah! I answer your call and I obey your commands, You have no partner! I answer your call! All glory and praise belong only to you! Welfare and blessing come only from You! it is Mastery, You are the One without equal and you have no partners! ”

This prayer is recited as often as possible and represents the Muslim’s response to the divine call.

Arriving at the airport, after midnight, we were given identification bracelets.

Given that during this period about 3 million pilgrims gather in Mecca to maintain the security, order, and smooth running of the event, the efforts of the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are very large.

For those who have not entered the state of sacredness by intending to complete the pilgrimage and wear the specific dress so far, they can do so at Miqat, which is the place where the ritual begins, or the Al Haram area. Here everyone must purify themselves, by bathing or ablution, and men must wear the specific dress of the pilgrim, namely the ihram

It consists of two pieces of white cloth without any seam, which symbolizes the abandonment of this world, equality between people, simplicity, and modesty. During the wearing of the ihram, the pilgrim enters a state of sacredness, which means that we must keep our minds clean, guard against sins, not get angry, have a lot of patience, not hunt, kill even an insect and let’s not break a leaf.

The two pieces of cloth make me think of the day I was born and wrapped in a white cloth, but also the day I die when, according to Islamic tradition, the body is wrapped in a white shroud.

Now we set out to complete the pilgrimage and do two prayer units.
“Oh, Allah, help me to fulfill Umrah.”

In the distance is the Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, which is one of the largest clocks in the world, above a complex of government buildings with museums, hotels, restaurants and shops, located at the entrance to the Al Haram Mosque.

We are approaching the Al Haram Mosque. I advance on the fine, cool white marble inside the huge walls. It’s full of people around and the hustle and bustle. Al Kaaba appears in the distance from the walls and pillars, which is the landmark to which all Muslims around the globe go when praying. Al Kaaba is the first temple for the worship of divinity built on the face of the earth. Rebuilt by the Prophet Abraham with his son Ishmael. In the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the Black Stone, the only original piece of the ancient temple and is just the landmark where the wandering around the Kaaba or tawaf begins.

Tawaf, means the perennial of the Kaba seven times counterclockwise and represents the voluntary participation in the universal choir of glorification of the Creator. The entire universe, from the atom to the galaxies, is in constant perpetuation.

During the perindation we pray, recite from the Qur’an, and reflect on the values ​​and purpose of this journey, called Dunia in Arabic or worldly life. “O our Lord, give us goodness both in this life and in the Hereafter.”

Spinning around the Kaaba at one point, I felt like … the years go by as well, incredibly fast… The crowd around me is pushing me in all directions as I try to keep my way, in while reviewing my life. I pray for guidance, peace, and forgiveness, both for myself and for my family, friends, and all of humanity. I want us to learn to accept our differences and to tolerate each other. I think it’s the only solution to a better world.

I have never seen such a large mix of people in the same place, with the same purpose. Different skin colors, nationalities, you don’t even know which social status it belongs to. But that doesn’t matter either. We are all actors in this movie called Dunia.

We all claim to have the absolute truth and even quarrel over our beliefs. The film of each of us will be screened after death and then we will know what the Absolute Truth is. I came here seeking forgiveness from the One whose mercy and mercy knows no bounds.

At the end of the Tawaf, we prepare to get out of the crowd that is like an anthill. It is preferable to choose the exit from the location where it is said that Avram prayed when he finished the erection of the shrine, because it is recommended to fulfill two parts of the prayer or rekea behind this place.

On the way out I take a glass of Zam Zam water.

As I enjoy the Zam Zam water, the story of this water that saved the life of baby Ismail and his mother Hagar comes to mind. She left Ismail, wrapped in a cloth, on the hot rock and ran between the two hills Safa and Marwa, seeking help and water. After the seventh round, the angel Gabriel guided Hagar to dig for water, and from that place sprang a spring called Zam Zam; the spring still quenches the thirst of millions of pilgrims and travelers and fills with energy.

After a thorough study of the water, Dr. Masaru Emoto said about Zam Zam water:

“I have never seen a higher quality and pure water like Zam Zam anywhere on this earth.”

Positively and invigorated, I head to the next stage, Sa’’y, which is to follow in Hager’s footsteps running between the two hills Safa and Marwa. Here we perished 7 times, only now, unlike those times, we do it on a fine marble, in the shade and with air conditioning.

It is recommended to start from Safa hill, where it is recited:
“Allah is the Greatest, In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, and we set out joyfully towards Marwa. Just like in the tawaf, prayers are said and recited from the Quran.

In the middle of the route is an area with green light, where it is recommended to speed up or even run, as Hagar did in this area which was then steep.

This ritual signifies the effort that man must make to fulfill the purpose of his existence.

Shortening of the hair can be done both in specially arranged spaces and in the hotel room. Haircut symbolizes giving up everything that is precious to us to Allah.

After cutting the hair, the specific pilgrimage port can be removed and this ends the small pilgrimage.

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